Virtual Machine

This method involves running a virtual server. A web server inside the virtual server runs with full permissions. A development image is availible upon request. You will need to use Microsoft's Virtual PC 2004.

Mount the development image, log into the web server using the root password of '123456'.

Getting to the Machine

The machine's name is wwwawa, this may appear on your network through the nmbd that the server runs. Try opening a browser once the virtual machine is running to http://wwwawa/. If you get the AW home page then you've got it! Otherwise… When you are logged in you can see the virtual machine's address with

$ ifconfig

It will produce output like this:

eth0    Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:03:FF:07:90:C6
        inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
        inet6 addr: fe80::203:ffff:fe07:90c6/64 Scope:Link

In this case the IP address is This is your web server's IP. You can open a browser to that address, administer the database on that end, or whatever other manipulations you care to do.

Finding the Code

The default html directory is /var/www/www and the code directory is /var/www/code. After bringin up the server you should checkout the latest version of the source with subversion (installed already on the VM).

The source can be modified in the apache root directory /var/www/ and tested on the local machine with a standard web browser.

Samba is set up on the virtual machine and you can browse to /var/www root using file sharing. Try, (say in this .103 IP case) \\\web (or maybe \\wwwawa\web\ if that works). Use root and 123456 as your login.

Editing the Source

You can use eclipse and PHP eclipse to do the editing outside the web environment by mounting the root drive through samba via the share \\machine\\web\ and logging on as root. Obviously, machine referrs to the name or IP address of your virtual machine.


The VM runs apache as the “apache” user. As such, you may need to reset the permissions for apache when changing VM files or updating from subversion.

$ cd /var/www
$ chmod apache.apache * -R